
The Lewis School Garden
Planting Fruit Trees
Community Growing
A Dream that Healed the Earth
Beauty in the Garden
Gardening in the Summer of 2011
A Personal Garden Vision
Gardening for a Purpose
Garden Observations are a Bonus
Gardening with Natural Principles
Community Growing
Hidden Places for Growing
Still Learning as Always
Connecting Gardeners, Community, and Opportunity

Saturday, September 19, 2009

In Celebration of Eugene

I sometimes visit Lewis Opportunity School, a small alternative secondary school in Santa Rosa, to bring plants, encouragement, and garden ideas. The teacher, his students and I work to beautify a school of run-down portable buildings, asphalt and cyclone fences. It is September, and school has started but something feels very different when I walk onto campus. Something is missing. Eugene is gone. He was the one who greeted me and made me feel that he knew I was part of a special mission to transform the world, one garden and one student at a time. He died during the summer.

I didn't know Eugene well, yet I felt our spirits were delighted by the same things. Eugene noticed which plants were starting to bloom. He knew which students were responding to the plants and which ones cared enough to work to help them grow. He would have been thrilled to see the sprays of yellow daisies on the towering Jerusalem Artichoke plants in the parking-lot planting area, to see the harvest from the potato patch, to see that the newly planted nectarine tree had made in through the dry California summer, and to see how much the grape vines had grown during their first summer.

When I arrived on campus with arms full of plants, Eugene's smile welcomed me. He loved it when I emerged from the bathroom in gardening clothes, my teaching outfit left behind, my mud caked worn-out running shoes on my feet. Now I could do magic. Eugene likened my transformation to what superman did when he donned his cape.
He knew my gardening clothes revealed my true identity.

Transforming the campus by getting the students to create beauty with plants was making a difference in student lives, if not now then years later. They were producing food with their own efforts. The seeds were being planted for a better world. "You can do this yourselves. It's easy." This was the message given by the act of gardening here. Eugene celebrated this vision, and he communicated this with his beaming smile and words of cheer.

I am including the anonymously written poem as a tribute to Eugene and to all who work to create a more peaceful humane world.


On the surface of the world right now there is
war and violence and things seem dark.
But calmly and quietly, at the same time,
something else is happening underground
An inner revolution is taking place
and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution.
From the inside out. From the ground up.
This is a Global operation.
A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.
You won't see us on the TV.
You won't read about us in the newspaper
You won't hear about us on the radio
We don't seek any glory
We don't wear any uniform
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles
Most of us work anonymously
We are quietly working behind the scenes
in every country and culture of the world
Cities big and small, mountains and valleys,
in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands
You could pass by one of us on the street
and not even notice
We go undercover
We remain behind the scenes
It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit
But simply that the work gets done
Occasionally we spot each other in the street
We give a quiet nod and continue on our way
During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs
But behind the false storefront at night
is where the real work takes a place
Some call us the Conscious Army
We are slowly creating a new world
with the power of our minds and hearts
We follow, with passion and joy
Our orders come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence
We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking
Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~
Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites
Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness...
We each express ourselves in our own unique ways
with our own unique gifts and talents
Be the change you want to see in the world
That is the motto that fills our hearts
We know it is the only way real transformation takes place
We know that quietly and humbly we have the
power of all the oceans combined
Our work is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains

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